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Friday, January 30, 2015

Chapter 3: Form and Space

Form and Space: The Unity of Opposites

An object occupying space is equally as important as its surroundings. Unity is created between opposites, existing or non-existent (vacant space) when the impact it causes to the viewer is a balanced.

In the image below, the building stands by itself in the middle of negative space.

Website Title: arslocii placeness as art
Article Title: Tag Archives: negative space
Date Accessed: January 30, 2015
Defining Space with Horizontal Elements: Depressed Plane
A depressed plane is one that can be found below the ground surface.
An example is this ancient Roman theater made beside a hill.


Website Title: The Roman Guy
Article Title: Ephesus with The Roman Guy
Date Accessed: January 30, 2015


Defining Space with Vertical Linear Elements: Single Vertical Plane

A single vertical plane can serve to give a space a specific orientation. It can create division between spaces, but at the same time offer a connective path.

The example below shows a divided space. The sliding glass door divides and unites both spaces. 

Website Title: : Chapter 3: Form & Space
Article Title: D3sign
Date Accessed: January 30, 2015
Qualities of Architectural Space: View
A view is simply what is visible from inside a space. A view allows for interaction between an interior and its surroundings.
In the example below, a large window provides a connection between the inside and a picturesque view of its natural surroundings.


Website Title: Sepalumic particuliers
Article Title: Large classical opening : Sliding window
Date Accessed: January 30, 2015

Openings in Space-Defining Elements: Within Planes

Openings within a space allow for a flow of continuity of space.

In the example below we can see that the opening provides a view of the adjacent space and reduces the degree of enclosure.


Website Title: Design Milk

Article Title: A Modern Japanese House With A Surprise Garden Inside - Desi[…]

Electronically Published: June 14, 2013

Date Accessed: January 30, 2015





  1. Really unique image examples. Great interpretations of the book definitions. They are simple and easy to understand. For terms that have multiple subcategories I would love to see the original term defined first just to get a better understanding of it.

  2. Very informative. Great job on images as well!
